Mary French Cup 2023

Mary French Cup 2023

The inaugural Mary French Fixture between Fitzwilliam LTC and the All England LTC took place on the outdoor and indoor courts at Wimbledon, SW19, on the same weekend as the Sterry Cup fixture. The results of the very close fixture are below. Mary French C

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Organised Play September 2023

Organised Play September 2023

We are delighted to announce that Organised Play will return to the indoor tennis courts from next week, for four weeks.Sessions will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as per the previous timeslots.• Tuesday 6.30pm - 8pm: Grade 5 & 6&b

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Roehampton Fixture

Roehampton Fixture

A Fitzwilliam team travelled to Roehampton to play their Padel fixture on the weekend of 25th-27th August. The Fitzwilliam ladies won the fixture by a score of 10 - 7. The results are below. Fitzwilliam LTC Queen’s Club SCORE WINNER Daisy Maclean &

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Fitzwilliam Fitness Classes Update

Fitzwilliam Fitness Classes Update

The timetable for the Club Fitness classes will change slightly over the next few weeks as we shift through a change of instructors. If you are a regular at the Club's fitness classes, you might already be aware that Kinga Krawycinska will be taking a bre

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Tom Phelan Walk 2023

Tom Phelan Walk 2023

The Tom Phelan Memorial Walk is a significant event in the Fitzambers Annual Walking Programme. This year, the Walk was scheduled to take place on Friday 23rd June 2023. However, the Committee, having reviewed several different weather forecasts on the da

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