Fitzamblers May 2021 Walk - Report

Fitzamblers May 2021 Walk - Report

Lough Tay and Djouce Walk Thursday 27th May 2021 A Walk - Michael Coyle B Walk - Terence ListonNote on the area:(Lough Tay is a corrie nestled below Luggala (otherwise known as Fancy Mountain) situated on the private lands which were, up to recently, in

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Wimbledon Sweep Draw 2021

Wimbledon Sweep Draw 2021

If you signed up for this year's Wimbledon Sweep, you can search for your name below (alphabetically by surname) to see who you got drawn in the sweep. As always, 50% of the proceeds (€640) will be given to the charity “GOAL”. The remain

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Fitzamblers June 2021 Walk

Fitzamblers June 2021 Walk

Glendalough Valley Walks Friday 18th June 2021A Walk - Michael CoyleB Walk - Terence ListonNote on the area. The glaciated valley of Glendalough offers many opportunities for a walk to suit the profile of the group and the weather on the day. We were f

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Wimbledon Sweep 2021

Wimbledon Sweep 2021

Places on the ever popular Wimbledon Sweep draw for 2021 have been filled and we await the conclusion of the qualifying matches today and tomorrow before the definitive listing of players becomes available and we can make the draw for the sweep. We expect

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Fitzwilliam's International Heroes

Fitzwilliam's International Heroes

On behalf of everyone at Fitzwilliam LTC, we would like to congratulate both the Davis Cup team and the Billie Jean King Cup Team on their successful campaigns last week, and in particular our Club members who represented Ireland in the respective fixture

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