Dun Laoghaire Ironman 70.3

Dun Laoghaire Ironman 70.3

This year Fitzwilliam will be represented in the 70.3 Dublin Half Iron Man annual event by 14 members. The race is scheduled for this coming Sunday, 19th August. Shane O’Reilly, Neil Keogh and Mike McGilligan will be doing all three legs of the even

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World #2 Ali Farag in Fitzwilliam

World #2 Ali Farag in Fitzwilliam

The world number 2 squash player Ali Farag took time out of his busy schedule to come down to visit Fitzwilliam and to play some games with two of both Ireland's and the Club's brightest prospects, Denis Gilevsky (left) and Jack O'Flynn. This was a fantas

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Walk Leaders Information Evening

Walk Leaders Information Evening

Walk Leaders in FitzamblersFitzamblers Committee have organised a short function in the Club on Tuesday, September 11th at 6pm. We’re very keen to expand the number of Walk Leaders in Fitzamblers and accordingly Carl Brady and his subcommittee will

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