Guest Information

Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club is a private members club and is one of Ireland's leading rackets clubs. The Club offers a wide range of activities and services for its members.

The Club was established in 1877 and is one of the oldest tennis clubs in the world. Members enjoy an variety of Club facilities and are encouraged to invite guests to join them.

Guests should be aware that parking spaces are limited and so the Club can only facilitate member parking. There is ample on-street parking outside of the Club grounds on Winton Road and guests are advised to pay for their on-street parking for the entire duration of their visit. Pay and Display on-street parking outside the club operates from 8am - 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Parking is free outside of these hours.

Mobile phones must be switched off or be in silent mode in the Club buildings, terraces and playing areas. Mobile phone conversation should only take place in the designated areas in the Club. Mobile phones and other SMALL hand held devices may be consulted, on silent, to read or respond to messages or check diaries, in any part of the Club, except the Dining Room.

Laptop Computers and Tablets and may only be used in the glass office under the stairs on the ground floor. The use of Mobile Phones or other Electronic Media Devices to take photographs is not allowed in any part of the Club.

Nominations for new Membership are invited from early December to mid-January each year. Prospective members must be proposed and seconded by two Members. Please contact for further information.



On-Court Dress Code for Tennis, Squash and Padel

  • On court attire must be predominantly white, with the exception of shoes, caps, tracksuits and leggings. Tracksuit tops, bottoms and leggings must be predominantly a single colour.

Definition of “Predominantly White”: Socks : White with logos or trade marks;  Shorts/Skirts: All white with logos or trade marks;
Tops/Jumpers: 80% white, coloured sleeves or stripes acceptable       Note: Full coloured backs / fronts is NOT acceptable attire.

  • All clothing, including shoes and track-suits, shall be of a suitable standard and in a clean condition. When playing on an outdoor tennis court, shoes must be cleaned after play before re-entering the Club Premises
  • In respect of tennis shoes used on the clay courts they are to be cleaned using the equipment provided (air-hoses and shoe cleaners) prior to re-entry on to the Club Premises (including the indoor tennis courts).
  • Shoes worn on the various courts shall be of a type and kind designed for the specific courts (clay, savannah and hard tennis courts, squash courts, and padel courts) and shall have flat soles, without heels and be non-marking.
  • Guests must carry their outdoor tennis clay court shoes from the changing rooms out to the courts before play.
  • Guests must remove their outdoor tennis clay court shoes after play, thoroughly clean the shoes with the cleaning equipment provided before entering the Clubhouse or Terrace area.
  • Outdoor tennis shoes used on the clay courts must not be used on the indoor courts.
  • Any visitor not complying with the above regulations may be asked to leave the court and their guest fee will not be refunded
  • The interpretation of the regulations rests solely with the Committee

    White tennis clothing is available for sale from store at the rear of the clubhouse.

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