Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club

Fitz v Jesters Padel Fixture

Fitz v Jesters Padel Fixture

Fitzwilliam LTC Jesters SCORE WINNER Conor McCullough & John Sheridan Nick Sewell & Mike Kemp 6/1 FLTC Conor McCullough & John Sheridan Barry Coffey & Michael Gradon 6/2 FLTC Conor McCullough & John Sheridan Tim Edwards & John Lyn

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2023 Team Singles

2023 Team Singles

Online entries are now open for the upcoming 2023 Team Singles which will begin on Monday 30th October. This year, team singles will run for six weeks with the finals taking place on Friday 8th December. Lesley O'Halloran will be the tournament referee an

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Kerie Dillon Coaching Programme

Kerie Dillon Coaching Programme

Personal trainer and fitness class instructor Kerie Dillon has returned to the Club following two years of upskilling across the globe. Kerie will be doing an introductory offer for her first two weeks back in the Club, the details are available below.Thi

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Sterry Cup 2023

Sterry Cup 2023

Sterry Cup (AELTC win 6-3) AELTC FLTC Score Winner Tim Matthewson & Lee Childs James Cluskey & Sean Collins 6/4, 6/3 FLTC Ed Corrie & Sean Thornley Morgan Dunne & Rob Dudley 6/7, 6/2, 10/4 AELTC Ali Felton & Richard Wire

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