Fitzamblers Annual Dinner

Fitzamblers Annual Dinner

FITZAMBLERS ANNUAL DINNERGatsby Themed NightSaturday, December 3"And I like large parties.They’re so intimate.At small parties there isn’t any privacy"The Great GatsbyJoin the Fitzamblers for their annual dinner on Saturday 3 December at 7.30p

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Fitzamblers November Walk

Fitzamblers November Walk

FITZAMBLERS NOVEMBER WALKOld Bridge13 November 2016“A” WalkWalking from Paddock Hill to Scarr there are two standing stones dating back to prehistoric times. Their alignment is north/south which is perpendicular to the rising sun. The archaeol

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2016 Team Singles - Begins TODAY

2016 Team Singles - Begins TODAY

This year's edition of the ever popular Team Singles tennis competition begins today and will continue until the finals day on Friday December 2nd.All player, captains and subs will have received an email on Friday with a schedule and all captains will ha

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Food Fight in Fitz - Results

Food Fight in Fitz - Results

On a night that rewrote the history books of this Club, Ruth 'The Scone' Hackett walked away with the trophy for the Inaugural Food Fight in Fitz after beating her opponent Frank 'The Butcher' Egan on points after three delicious rounds.The night began in

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