Fitzamblers January Walk 2017

Fitzamblers January Walk 2017

FitzamblersCarton House and DemesneSunday 29th January 2017 The first walk of 2017 has something for everyone. We will visit the beautiful 18th Century Carton House ancestral home of the Fitzgeralds, Earls of Kildare. On arrival, we will be met by a

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Fitness Classes Reminder

Fitness Classes Reminder

Fitness Classes ReminderA quick reminder to all members that the new schedule of fitness classes in the Club begins this coming Monday and runs until mid-June. As a result of growing member interest we have introduced a choice of free classes and have inc

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Advanced Wine Course

Advanced Wine Course

A four week Advanced Wine Course is being offered by the Club, presented by Mitchell & Son Wine Merchants. Starting on Monday January 16th and running until Monday 6th February, the sessions will help the wine student to learn how to taste wine, st

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Multi-function Room Reboot

Multi-function Room Reboot

The Multi-function room on the second floor of the Club house is undergoing a facelift ahead of the New Year's Fitness Classes Schedule.Our hard working maintenance staff took some time out of their busy schedule to pose for some photographs through a haz

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