Team Doubles 2019

Team Doubles 2019

2019 Team DoublesFebruary 25th - April 4thEntries for Team Doubles sponsored by Home Care Direct, are currently open with the deadline of 13th February. For new members, or members interested in Team Doubles who have not entered before, it is a very popul

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Organised Play - Winter 2019

Organised Play - Winter 2019

Organised Play 2019 Organised Play is currently running and has competed two weeks out of four, with a great entry for the first two weeks we encourage members of any standard to sign up. It is a great way to get a game of tennis and it also has a social

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Fitzamblers Royal Canal Walk

Fitzamblers Royal Canal Walk

Royal Canal WalkSunday 20th January 2019Our inaugural walk in 2019 will be along sections of the Royal Canal with food to follow.The A and B walkers will get the commuter train From Connolly to Maynooth at 10.50am. The C walkers will take the 12.20 train.

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