Derek Ryan Online Classes

Derek Ryan Online Classes

Derek Ryan Fitness ClassesFitzwilliam LTC is delighted to announce that for the month of June, Derek Ryan will be opening his fitness classes free of charge to our members. These classes are not only aimed towards squash players, but would also benefit a

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Pilates Class Online

Pilates Class Online

Fitness Classes Moving OnlineWith the recent temporary closure of the clubhouse, many of you may be feeling a bit lost without your regular fix of fitness classes. To try to remedy this we have posted the first, of what we hope is many, online fitness cla

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COVID-19 Clubhouse Closed

COVID-19 Clubhouse Closed

Following updated advice received from the HSE today, and in light of the very small numbers of members using the Club, it has been decided to close the clubhouse effective from 10pm tonight until Monday 30th March, subject to review. Access to all areas

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COVID-19 Disruptions

COVID-19 Disruptions

In light of Government directions issued earlier today attempting to curtail the spread of Covid-19, and in order to protect members, the Club is cancelling, with immediate effect and until further notice, the following events and activities:The Extraordi

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