New Members Nominations Open Now

New Members Nominations Open Now

The Club is now accepting nominations for membership for 2023. Nomination Forms are available for collection by proposers from reception or, on request, by email on the following email address: The closing date for receipt of comp

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Sterry Cup 2022 Fixture

Sterry Cup 2022 Fixture

The Fitzwilliam LTC Sterry Cup team had a great victory against the All England Club (AELTC), over the weekend at Wimbledon. Despite the scoreline being 6 - 3, the result was in the balance until the very end - our first win since 2014.The match was playe

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November Walk - Belmont

November Walk - Belmont

Website Report for the Belmont Walks on Sunday 20th November 2022This was a Self-Drive Walk based at Belmont Demesne, located at the back of Killruddery House, between Bray and Greystones, Co. Wicklow. There was also the option to be included in a Booking

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Fitzamblers Week Away in Crete

Fitzamblers Week Away in Crete

Our Fitzamblers Group of 52 Walkers departed for the Mediterranean island of Crete on Monday 17th October 2022 for our annual Away Trip, with an extended duration of 10 days / 9 Nights. The Trip was again managed and guided by France Outdoors, who have a

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EGM - October 2022 - Results

EGM - October 2022 - Results

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club held on Monday, 24 October 2022, which proposed That outdoor courts 4 and 5 be re-surfaced with Red Plus Clay (to match the surfaces on outdoor courts 1, 2, 3 and 6), was defeated by a show of hands after much

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