Fitzwilliam LTC v Elm Park (Away)

Fitzwilliam LTC v Elm Park (Away)

Fitzwilliam LTC v Elm Park (Away) Friday 17th June 2016RESULTS table.GeneratedTable { width:100%; max-width: 700px; min-width: 400px; background-color:#FFFFFF; border-collapse:collapse;border-width:1px; border-color:#336600; border-style:solid; color:#000

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The Sky's the Limit for Fitz teams

The Sky's the Limit for Fitz teams

Quarter Final Results for Fitzwilliam LTC Tennis TeamsAs a result of the Ladies Class 2 (3-2) win away over David Lloyd Riverview, captained by Rosemarie O’Leary on Saturday June 18th they have progressed to the semi-finals stage of the Summer L

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Fitzamblers on Table Mountain

Fitzamblers on Table Mountain

A+ Super “A” WalkThis is a rare opportunity to be guided by experienced Fitzamblers in the most barren, lonely but beautiful part of any mountain range in these islands. The walk is in West Wicklow and it starts with a testing climb up

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